Latest Information
Tony emailed us the covers of 3 annuals. (16/4/2018)
Paul Plowman emailed us with some photos of Pigeon Street in Manchester.(29/4/2009)
Lollipop Animation and Alan Rogers have now created four exclusive Pigeon Street prints. They're available signed or unsigned. You can find these prints, as well as some original cells at Lollipop Animation (2/8/2006)
"Lollipop Animation Ltd are selling the original artwork from Pigeon Street at These amazing one-off pieces have been created exclusively for Lollipop Animation Ltd, using the original cut-outs from the hit series, Pigeon Street. We are delighted to be working with the artist behind this great work, to offer such a rare and amazing collection for sale." (6/6/2005)
Toby found an image of a fourth book cover - it's been added to the merchandise page. (25/4/2005)
Robert Fairbanks has started on online petition to see Pigeon Street released on dvd. You should sign it. (19/7/2003)
Benni Lees, the Pigeon Street composer, got in contact and gave us some information about Soulyard, the band who performed the music for Pigeon Street. See the "Pigeon Street?" page for more information. (16/12/2003)
Again, thanks to Steve May, i've added three books to the merchandise page. (30/4/2003)
I've added a merchandise page and updated the airing dates, thanks to Steve May. (30/4/2003)
The latest information is that the site is open and full of top quality Pigeon Street information. Enjoy! (24/1/2003)
Things on this site
Pigeon Street?
What is pigeon street? Who made it? When?
A guide to the people who live on pigeon street and in the nearby skyrise court.
The lyrics to the Pigeon Street songs, with some songs available to download.
Episode Guide
A guide to the thirteen episodes of Pigeon Street.
A guide to Pigeon Street collectables.
Links to other Pigeon Street sites.
Information about this site and how to contact us.